
管理学院财务学系游家兴教授合作论文在管理学国际顶刊Journal of Management在线发表

近日,管理学院财务学系游家兴教授、山东大学伍翕婷助理教授(管理学院财务学系2022届博士毕业生)作为共同通讯作者,与澳洲新南威尔士大学郑维婷教授、香港岭南大学尼娜教授、欧洲工商管理学院罗小薇教授合作的论文“Competition Behind Competition: State-Sponsored Awards, Political Tournaments, and Corporate Participation in Poverty Alleviation in China”在Journal of Management在线发表。Journal of Management在SSCI(JCR)管理学领域排名第三、兼应用心理学领域第一,影响因子9.056,为FT 50期刊、欧洲ABS四星期刊,是国际管理学领域公认的顶级期刊之一。


Research has thus far suggested mixed effects of awards on the behavior of nonwinning firms. We draw from research on interorganizational spillover to study under what conditions state- sponsored awards motivate nonwinning firms to increase their efforts. We contend that, when government officials—an important institutional agent—are under competitive pressure from their own rivals to pursue the state goal, they are more motivated to promote the awards and trigger peer emulation, resulting in interorganizational spillover following the bestowal of awards. In turn, nonwinning firms with a greater need for government-controlled resources are more responsive to the spillover effect promoted by local officials. We test our theory with government awards to firms in China’s state-initiated poverty alleviation program. Analysis of Chinese publicly listed firms from 2016 to 2019 shows that following antipoverty award announcements, nonwinning firms improved their poverty alleviation effort more when their local government officials faced stronger competitive pressure in poverty reduction from their own close-rival officials. Notably, such spillover effects did not occur when local officials faced low competitive pressure. Our study contributes to research on interorganizational spillover and awards as well as how the state can encourage firms to tackle grand challenges.


游家兴,厦门大学管理学院教授、博士生导师,国家社科基金重大项目首席专家,国家级高层次青年人才,福建省新世纪优秀人才,福建省首批高层次人才,厦门首批高层次人才,厦门大学首批南强青年拔尖人才(A类),厦门大学管理学院群贤计划人才(A类),入选福建省首届会计人才库,会计领域国际知名刊物British Accounting Review副主编。近年来已在国际顶级期刊Review of Financial Studies (UTD24)、Review of Finance (FT50)、Review of Accounting Studies (FT50)、Journal of Management (FT50)、Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory以及Journal of Corporate Finance、Journal of Banking and Finance、Journal of Business Finance and Accounting等国际知名刊物发表英文文章20余篇;在国内权威期刊《经济研究》(3篇)《经济学(季刊)》(3篇)《管理科学学报》(3篇)《金融研究》《统计研究》《会计研究》《数量经济技术经济研究》《中国工业经济》《南开管理评论》等发表中文文章近60篇。研究成果获 MIT Asia  Conference (美国麻省理工学院亚洲年会)最佳论文奖、欧洲金融协会EFA最佳论文奖(Pagano and Zechner Award)、中国高校科研优秀成果三等奖、福建省社会科学优秀成果一、二、三等奖、全国税务系统科研成果二等奖等。主持国家社科基金重大项目1项、国家自然科学基金项目(4项)及多项省部级项目,以研辅政项目获得省部级领导肯定性批示。

伍翕婷,厦门大学管理学院财务学系2022届博士毕业生,山东大学管理学院会计系助理教授。主要研究领域为公司财务,环境会计和环境审计。研究成果发表在《经济学(季刊)》《财贸经济》《系统工程理论与实践》、Auditing:A Journal of Practice & Theory,Journal of Banking and Finance,Accounting and Business Research,The British Accounting Review以及Managerial Auditing Journal等国内外重要学术刊物上。




